Monday, August 29, 2011

The Lucky One Is Elizabeth !

My Dad and I one weekend just like Ben and Keith in The Lucky One

First of all, this is the 2nd time I have wrote this blog, so I'm frustrated because it was a good one but for some reason it did not save.  ANYWAYS, I am still reading The Lucky One.  Thibault has happened to find his "lucky lady" in his "lucky picture." Her name is Elizabeth which explains the big E on her shirt in the picture.  Elizabeth has a son named Ben who is not like most ten year old boys.  Instead of being athletic and adventurous like other boys, he enjoys chess and studying for his classes at school.  Just like me, Ben visits his Dad, Keith, every other weekend along with two weekdays.  I understand how Ben feels when he gets upset by going back and forth from his mom's house to his dad's. But for Ben, he gets upset for other reasons than I do.  His dad does not accept him like most fathers do.  Keith was hoping for a son that was an all-star baseball player or the quarterback for his high school football team.  Instead, his son is a chess player who hates sports and is not socially accepted by most people at his school.  While Ben is at his dad's house, he pushes Ben to play catch although that usually ends with a hard thrown ball hit straight to the face.  This also reminds me of my life because when I was Ben's age my dad and I would play baseball and basketball on the weekend.  My days usually did not end with getting struck with a ball to my eye.  Elizabeth struggles to send her son to Keith's and just wishes to find a man who loves Ben for who he his.  Lucky for her, Thibault now has a job working at the kennel with her and he loves Ben and Elizabeth just as any father should.  Maybe that picture was good luck after all!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Test

1. erately expressed extravert
2. distinctively expressed sensing personality
3. distinctively expressed feeling personality
4 moderately expressed judging personality
This test explained my personality pretty well.  It was very accurate when it said I distinctively espree feeling personality.  I usually act how I feel.  I do a very poor job of pretending I am feeling something I am not, so I act the way I feel.  I disagree a little when the test said I moderately espress judging in my personality.  I am usually very good at not judging people and getting to know them before I judge them.   


Total Pages Read This Week: 125
Books I read: Me Talk Pretty One Day; The Lucky One; Tina Fey

Sentences of the Week:
1. "Two peanuts were walking down the street, and one was salted."
2. "Did we really ruin the environment as much as we thought? and Is Glee still a thing?"
3. "Why is this book called Bossypants? One because Two and a Half Men was already taken."

This sentences were from Tina Fey.  I thought her writing style was different because she is so laid back and says what she thinks with complete honesty.  This were three sentences she said in the intro to her book, Bossypants.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Me Talk Pretty One Day

I am just about to go to sleep and thought I would blog about a book I forgot to mention that I read earlier this week.  It is titled, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. I first picked out this book because every chapter is a different story about the authors life.  It is easy to pick up and just read a quick chapter and not have to worry about keeping up with previous events or conflicts within the story.  My favorite story so far was about a time he got pulled out of class one Thursday. David was thinking he was in trouble, but he soon realized he was in speech class.  He always talked with a lisp.  I could relate to that because when I was in elementary school as well, I had to go to speech class with my twin sister.  We both could not pronounce our "R's" correctly.  We did not even know we had a speech problem, but whatever, it was fun missing class. For my sister and I, whenever a word would have an "R-sound" in it, we would replace it with a "w-sound." For example, when we would say the word "rabbit" we would pronounce it "wabbit."  David though was not as oblivious to his speech problem as I was.  He would constantly try to avoid saying any word that began with the letter S, because of his lisp.  It soon became a natural thing to avoid all S words.  During his speech class the teacher was trying to get him to say the letter S, but he would not.  Then at the very end of the class, she began to fake cry to make him feel bad for making her think she was being a bad teacher.  Little did he know, the teacher was trying to get him to say he was sorry. He began to get all concerned about why his teacher was crying and he said he was "sorry." (with a lisp.) 

Monday, August 22, 2011

I chose to start off the semester reading what I knew I would like, Nicholas Sparks.  I have seen many of his movies and have loved all of them.  To be honest, I am not much of a reader. I would rather spend my time watching movies, spending time with my friends, and watching football games with my family.  Since I have been taking this class, I have found reading is not as bad as I thought.  For the past two days, I have been reading, "The Lucky One" which, to my surprise, is very interesting.  It takes place in a young man's tour to Iraq.  He happens to run past a picture half buried in the sand of a women smiling on the beach.  In the past few weeks of Marine Logan Thibault's games of poker, he has lost more money than he had even came to Iraq with.  He posted this picture on the board thinking it was someone's valuable picture they had dropped.  After several days, he takes the picture and places it in his pocket.  That day, the men played poker as they always did.  One play at a time, Thibault wins each hand.  He turns out winning all money he had lost, plus even more.  This picture turns out to be a "good luck charm."  Some people think that luck comes in a lucky number, a lucky person, any object that they want.  But really, I think luck comes with time and good things will eventually come to good people.  It is not what they have in their hand, or what number jersey they are wearing. I am interested to see how this photograph brings more good luck to the table and throughout the rest of "The Lucky One."

Friday, August 19, 2011

My first blog

This is my first blog ever.  I am excited to become a pro-blogger throughout this semester.  This should be an intresting class.  I will be using this blog for school purposes and to keep track of the books I'm reading. YAY BLOGGING!