Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Me Talk Pretty One Day

I am just about to go to sleep and thought I would blog about a book I forgot to mention that I read earlier this week.  It is titled, Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. I first picked out this book because every chapter is a different story about the authors life.  It is easy to pick up and just read a quick chapter and not have to worry about keeping up with previous events or conflicts within the story.  My favorite story so far was about a time he got pulled out of class one Thursday. David was thinking he was in trouble, but he soon realized he was in speech class.  He always talked with a lisp.  I could relate to that because when I was in elementary school as well, I had to go to speech class with my twin sister.  We both could not pronounce our "R's" correctly.  We did not even know we had a speech problem, but whatever, it was fun missing class. For my sister and I, whenever a word would have an "R-sound" in it, we would replace it with a "w-sound." For example, when we would say the word "rabbit" we would pronounce it "wabbit."  David though was not as oblivious to his speech problem as I was.  He would constantly try to avoid saying any word that began with the letter S, because of his lisp.  It soon became a natural thing to avoid all S words.  During his speech class the teacher was trying to get him to say the letter S, but he would not.  Then at the very end of the class, she began to fake cry to make him feel bad for making her think she was being a bad teacher.  Little did he know, the teacher was trying to get him to say he was sorry. He began to get all concerned about why his teacher was crying and he said he was "sorry." (with a lisp.) 

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