Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Blog...

Looking back at what I read, I realized I have not read much more from when I blogged last time, I think Tuesday? Some where around that time.  Its because I have been working at my new job and it has been super stressful learning all the new stuff is so stressful! And because it has been the last week of the quarter, there has been a lot of quarterly's to study for to make sure I get my final quarter grades up.  But that is still no excuse I guess.  But from the little I read, it has made me think about some things.  I keep wondering if something traumatic event, such as getting bit by a shark, if I would have the determination to keep doing that.  I remember on Spring Break, we visited a family friend's house down in Florida.  Their brother was an Olympian and a professional cliff diver.  He was one of those kind of people who ramble on and on about determination and strength and self discipline.  I asked him if he ever has got hurt when cliff diving and if he gets scared every time he is about to jump.  He obviously said yes, he does get scared and yes, he has got hurt.  He said every time he jumps he is so scared and sometimes he can't even jump because he freaks himself out.  He later explained that his fear is a good thing.  That is because fear can help keep him safe in dangerous situations.  Without fear, he would never know what to do when he was jumping and his care-free attitude would lead him to get hurt.  I think if Alana who got bit by the shark would be more fearful she would have been more aware of her surroundings.  But on the other hand, you have to make sure fear does not overcome yourself and what you do. 

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