Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Help! - Dedicated to Maddie (:

I am dedicating this blog to the one and only Maddie Clay.  This is because yesterday she did her book talk on the same book I am reading.  I think she liked reading it more than I am but that is probably because I have had a busy week and its hard to read while enjoying it and having homework on your mind on top of that.  But, It is still a very good book! I am so excited for one of the black maids.  She just got hired from a new family and they treat her much differently than most do.  This lady is younger than her.  I think that is weird that a younger girl is hiring an older woman to work for her, it should be the other way around.  But anyways, Minny, the newly hired maid, was SO nervous for her interview.  I understand where she was coming from because when I was at my first interview, I was so nervous! I couldn't even sleep the night before.  But turns out, this lady was actually being rejected by five previous maids that were black as well because of her situation.  She just wants a maid Monday-Friday to clean the house a little for a couple hours while her husband is at work.  She does not was to disappoint her husband and not keep up with the house.  The only problem is, if her husband were to come home to an African American in his home, he would grab his pistol and shoot her.  That is what happened to the last maid.  Minny was the one to actually accept the job unlike the other 5 ladies.  I would not take it if I were Minny but I guess some people just need the money.  I am guessing there will be problems involving Minny and the young couple that just hired her, but Minny is too sweet of a lady for that to happen to, so I hope it doesn't.  I think this week I will be able to find a good time to just sit and read this book more.  There is just not enough hours in the day to find time!

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