Friday, September 30, 2011

Worth more Dead, then Alive

As I wrapped up this book for the week, the same conflicts continue to come up within the characters both interally and exterally.  For me, this book is just dragging on and on and on.  I might stop reading it this week and start a new one.  I think it is becoming boring for me because I have already seen the movie.  That means I basically already know the heart breaking ending.  I am suprised I am thinking about starting another book because I have never put down a Nicholas Sparks book in my life, I usually can not put them down! But back to the story.  Sara is now pregnant with her child.  Thankfully, their childs blood matches Kate's. The parents basically "designed a baby" to match the characteristics needed to save Kate.  For example, her baby's unbilical cord blood could potentially save Kate's life also.  In my opinion, I do not think that is right.  I think God create babies to the way they are "designed" to be, they are be selfish and stop using people to save Kate, even though she is in a life threatening situatution. This arises the same type of problem that Anna is facing.  She does not want her baby to just be born for a single reason, to save Kate.  She wants her child to have her own identity, unlike Anna who had her identity basically taken from her.  People just think of Anna as a donar to her sister, not a sister or an individual person.  It sounds like a complicated situation, also because Kate is becoming more sick emotionally and physcially. 


 Total Pages read this Week: 124
Total this Semester:  892

 Sentences of the Week::
1. My father says that a fire will burn itself out, unless you open a window and give it fuel
2.  Anger glows around this kid like electricity.
3.  My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night.

The first sentence is my favorite because it sounds like something my dad would say.  He is always telling me that things will fix themselves, just as the fire will burn itself out, unless you keep dragging out the problem (giving the problem fuel).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Sticky Situation

As titled, this book, My Sister's Keeper, continues to have more and more stuggles that come with the cancer of Kate and Anna.  Anna does not want to be used just as a donar to her sister.  One side of her continues to tell herself.  She actually becomes jealous of Kate.  This is because she keeps thinking of Kate's future funeral compared to her own funeral in the future. I don't know about you, but I know don't compare how me and my twin sisters funerals are going to turn out.  But for some really weird reason, she keeps thinking how no one would come to her funeral when she dies, but when Kate dies, she believes there would be an overcrowding amount of people.  I know I am not in the same situation but I would be glad people loved her and supported her and loved her enough to attend the funeral.  In a way, I would feel honored that I helped in my sister life in donating to her when needed.  Then there is another side of Anna.  This is the side I can relate to.  She thinks of her and her sister and "Siamese Twins."  She thinks she needs to donate her liver and whatever else because they are sisters.  She thinks she can not let her sister down.  I know how she feels because having family look down on you when you could control the problem like she can.  If I were her, I would do whatever I can to save my twin sister.  As much as she drives me crazy, I don't think I would hesitate to donate my organs.  I guess I will never know the exact problem Anna and Kate are going through though.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday Currently

1.       When I was angry at God because I couldn't go to my son, hold him, comfort him, God's son was holding my son in his lap.
  • This line definitely stood out to me this month.  This just proves that even when you do not understand why something happens, God will always be there and answering your prayers even if it is in a way you do not understand. 
2.       In a boxing match, the fighters absorb some vicious blows because they are ready for them.  And usually, knockout punch is the one they don't see coming.  
3.       When I was angry at God because I couldn't go to my son, hold him, comfort him, God's son was holding my son in his lap.
4.     You can't say "Good I Might" without sounding Australian.

Book pages read this week:: 159
Book Pages read this semester:: 768

Thursday, September 22, 2011

And the Story Begins

As I begin reading more and more of My Sisters Keeper, the more I can see how this story is going to turn into a heart wrenching one.  Once again, Kate's mother sees the bruises on Kate's shoulder.  As time passes- the next morning even- Kate has bruises all the way down her spine.  If that happened to me, I would be absolutely terrified and confused.  Just as I would be, Kate's mother and father were also confused and scared.  At this moment, the story changed for the worse.  Kate was officially diagnosed with Leukemia, a disease within the white blood cells.  This is starting to make me think of the last book the I read, Heaven Is Real, but I have a very strong feeling that these hospital visits will not lead to Kate visiting Jesus and having the pleasure of coming back to tell her family and friend's how great heaven is.  In any story, that would be the happy ending but from what I hear, that is not going to happen here.  Anna, as the donor of whatever Kate needs, becomes very stressed out and vulnerable.  To escape from the stress, she finds herself dozing off at the stars with Brian.  This seems to be the only thing keeping her mind away from Kate.  It is so hard for her because she is torn.  She is torn between the choices of saving her sister, or saving herself from draining herself mentally and physically.  Her first instinct is that she will not let anything happen to Kate.  That is the instinct I would stick with if I were Anna.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Sisters Keeper

My Sister's Keeper is a story and movie that I have heard many people talk about and go see the movie to recently in the past couple years.  I decided, it was my turn to read this heart pulling story.  Before I started to read this book, I knew it was about two sisters; one who has leukemia, and the other who saves her sister through medical treatments.  I also heard there is no way of reading or watching this whole story without crying, so I am going to be careful of where I read this.  So far, different characters narrarate their view of their lives in each chapter.  Anna, a thirteen year old girl, turns out to be the sister who was "created to save her sisters life."  Whenever her sister, Kate, became sick or in poor medical conditions, Anna would help donate any blood or bone marrow the doctors needed.  Anna's family is not the type of family has the most responsible family.  Her mother always shops online even with all the expensive medical bills of Kate.  And on the side of that, Anna's brother, Jesse, acts like an out of control and immature little boy without the control of parents.  This of course frustrates Anna just as it would frustrate me.  Without warning, she hires a lawyer named Campbell.  This is the name of my old biology teacher freshman year who I did not like, so I don't think I will like him either. But I am probably judging too soon.  I guess I will find out soon!(: 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

 1.The interior decorator's use of strange, modern furniture, simple color, a careful use of space, and distinct, quirky architecture express an energetic confidence and absurd frivolousness of the inhabitant.
  • This top claim is my favorite because the room is unusual and unique.  I would love to have a bed like that!! 
2.In this photo it seems that a group friends are marking the end of an era or the start of something new, the arms outstretched are either reaching for something that's gone or welcoming something that is coming

3.In this Painting Monet uses a brilliant sense of green and bright colors and an intelligent job of making the water calm and cool.

4.The movie poster for The Brothers Grimm's use of serious, determined facial expressions, dark, gloomy color, a full usage of space, and tough, old-fashioned body language expresses an impassioned intensity and dignified confidence of the characters portrayed by Matt Damon and Heath Ledger.  

5.Team illuminate performance on NBC’s Americas Got Talent the groups [jerky but elegant movements, strange and breath-taking choreography, and rapid roaming use of space]


Fighting Gravity

In Fighting Gravity’s final Performance on America’s Got Talent, the voiceless and light dancers use graceful, upbeat, and a unique technique that expresses a new and an explosive futuristic type of dance.
5 senses
Movement- solid, swift, quick, graceful
Sound- melodic, voiceless, upbeat
Facial Expressions- lifeless, flat
Space – gravitational, light, crooked
Choreography- unusual, loose, unique


Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Currently

Books Read this Week:
Heaven Is Real- 85-163
Surviving The Extremes- 1-31

This Week: 109
This Semester: 602

Sentences Of The Week!
1. "Child like faith."
2. "Everyone kind of looks like angels in heaven, Dad!"
3. "Yeah, he shoots down power for you when you're talking in church

My favorite one of those sentences is the 3rd sentence.  This is because Colton heard that from Jesus when he visited.  It was weird because every Sunday before the messege Colton's dad prays "God, if you don't help me this morning, this messege is going to fail."  This just proves God hears each and every prayer.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Surviving the Extremes !

As a book on the side this week I have chosen to read, Surviving the Extremes by Kenneth Kamler.  Kenneth Kamler is a doctor who sets on adventures with other specialized doctors who together, conquer challenging surviving environments.  There are obstacles along the way that I can never imagine ever getting past and these doctors someone know what to do in these fatal conditions.  It always surprises me how all these people drop their lives at home just to "Survive the Extremes."  For example, the Amazon Forest where the most plants and animals live in anywhere else in the world.  They also have found other people living in these conditions without medical care.  Thankfully, these medics are there just in time to help this fatal patients.  From what I understand so far, they will also set out at seas, somewhere of high altitude, which I believe is Mt. Everest, Outer Space, and somewhere underwater.  All these things can be fatal to people.  This book is a little more challenging and reads much slower than I am used to.  So I have to still have to find another book to begin next week that reads a little faster.  So far, Surviving the Extremes, is interesting but if I does not pick up soon, I think I will have to drop it for another book to read.  Oh, and I also decided my book project is going to be about the book I just finished, Heaven Is Real.  I am almost positive I am going to make a movie, or at least attempt to.  That book was just so interesting that I could not put it down!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Crazy Life

Yesterday, I finished the book,  Heaven Is Real and this book has kept me glued the whole entire time.  As I have grown up, I have always been raised to believe "Jesus Loves Us" and "God is in control" but this book proves that in so many ways.  The saying Colton keeps repeating is that "Jesus loves kids." He always brings up to his parents that Jesus loves his children at the most random times.  Colton's father and mother as the pastor of their church always experienced Jesus in pictures taught at Sunday School and in other biblical books but when they asked Colton if this is what the Jesus he had seen looked like, Colton would become angry at the misconception people had of Jesus.  Eventually another four year old girl also had an experience in Heaven just as Colton did.  She painted a picture of what Jesus looked like for the whole world would eventually see on the television.  That one painted picture was the one picture Colton had agreed upon.  Also, Colton claims he met his sister he had never met before.  This is because she was a miscarriage.  The young boy had never known of a miscarriage that his mother had previously had so it was crazy how he found her in Heaven.  That is just more proof that this ordinary kid experienced what most people won't until after they died.  It makes me wonder why he had been put through that.  Of all the people in the world, Colton.  I know God did that to him for a reason, but the question is... why?

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Books Finished : The Lucky One (Popular Fiction)- 38
Now Reading : Heaven is For Real (Non- Fiction)- 85
Total pages this Week:  124
Total this semester:  544

Sentences of the Week:
1. In a boxing match, the fighters absorb some vicous blows because they are ready for them.  And usually, knockout punch is the one they don't see coming. 
  • This is one of my favorites because it stood for Colton's situation in the hospital and also can symbolize life.  You may be going through a hard time, and continue to think the worst will happen.  But usually when life is hardest, is when you least expect the "punch" to be thrown.
2.  The patient was set in a supine position on the Operating Table.
  • This is simply my favorite this week because it has a vocabulary word in the sentence, supine.  Supine means laying on one's back.  In this case, Colton was supine when he was undergoing sugery.
3. When I was angry at God because I couldn't go to my son, hold him, comfort him, God's son was holding my son in his lap.
  • This was an important line in the book because in my opinion it was the climax of the whole story.  This made me want to read more because it amazed me how Colton, the sick boy, saw Jesus and was cared for even when Colton's dad was out of control of the situation . 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Red Markers

This book keeps surprising me more and more ! Colton, the young boy claims he went to heaven while he was in the hospital.  He dad who is a pastor is of course amazed by how is preschooler is sharing his experiences and observations Jesus and angels that he saw.  For me, I have grown up in a family that has always gone to church on a regular basis so I have naturally become a Christian myself.  I think that is why this book interests me. 
Colton claims....
  • Jesus had a "purple thing hanging from his shoulder" and the rest of his clothing was white.  In the Bible purple was the color of kings and Jesus wore clothes whiter than everyone
  • Jesus baptized his cousin- in the Bible, Jesus baptized his cousin, John the Baptist
  • Jesus had "red markers" on his hands and feet- This is where Jesus was hung by when being crucified.  The red markers stood for the blood.
  • While he was in heaven, he did "homework" then later explained that Jesus was his teacher and also taught other angels
  • The angels had lights (described as halos) and Jesus were a "gold thing" on his head- a crown.
  • He had wings along with everyone else and other kids.  But his wings were small. 
Colton also described when he came back to the real-world away from heaven.  Previously before returning, Colton's father was in a room by himself, isolated, screaming at God for doing such horrible things to his family.  He believed he was alone but in reality, God was answering his prayer.  While Colton screamed "Daddy, Don't Go !" He instantly became angry with God for not letting him hold his son.  But really, Colton was "sitting on God's lap."  After surgery Colton was screaming for his dad because he wanted to make sure his prayer was answered.  He quickly after got to hold his son.

This book is soooo weirdddd.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Heaven Is For Real !

At the start of this year, I heard the librarian suggest a book to the class about a boy become ill and claiming he "went to heaven"  Since then, Amanda read it and said it was worth me reading as well.  I started it tonight and so far, its nothing as I expected.  First of all, Colton's father is a pastor.  He previously had struggled with a broken leg, kidney stones, AND breast cancer.  A little too much for one person to handle within a six month period of time? Well that was only the start of what his son, Colton, was going to have to endure.  Colton came down with what parents thought of as a normal flu.  Colton had been throwing up for 5 DAYS straight.  From hospital to hospital, doctors could not figure out what had gone wrong.  At last, doctors learned Colton had his appendix burst.  I don't know what is going to happen yet with Colton but what I do know is that I am sooo lucky I have not had any major sickness'.  I honestly do not know how people can endure so much pain.  I always wonder, why them? And why am I not the person with cancer?  It amazes me how people's lives can be changed in one second due to a health issue.  I hope Colton heals and continues to live a normal life as a four year old boy should.  Because he father is a pastor, I believe God will give their family to strength to get through Colton's medical emergency.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday Currently

Pages Read This Week: 240
Pages Read This Semester: 370

Sentences of the Week:
1. You can't say "Good I Might" without sounding Australian.

2. The front echo of thunder sounded in the distance, and Beth could hear the crickets beginning their evening song.

3.  Hope springs eternal

The last two quotes were in the book I am almost done reading titled, The Lucky One.  With the second sentence, I simply loved the way the author described the night.  The first sentence, I heard someone say to me recently.  I guess everyone has heard that joke before, except me. Also, Hope springs eternal.  That is so true because hope is not how you feel on the outside but it is how you feel and think on the inside. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

One More Happy Ending

As I begin to finish reading, The Lucky One, I am starting to wonder how this book is going to end.  There has to be some kind of ending I am not expecting.  So far it seems as though Logan and Beth are getting along just fine.  Logan has even got along with Elizabeth's family which includes Ben and her Nana.  In fact, Logan is performing at Elizabeth's church as a favor to Nana.  He is playing the piano.  The book even stated both Beth and Logan would be devastated if they decided to go their separate ways.  They seems almost inseparable and they both are in each others lives more than anyone has before.  The only thing I think might happen in the end is something will happen to Logan through Keith, Beth's ex husband.  I think this because Keith has broke into Logan's house previously for unknown reasoning.  Both Keith and Beth could get back together in the end and break Logan's heart.  I only have less than 50 pages left so hopefully I can finish this weekend.  This book has made me think of some things that I have not before.  Like, "love at first sight." Logan for some weird reason found a picture randomly in the sand and he was determined to find this girl for whatever it took.  And now they are in love and hopefully continue to get to know each other.  It is so weird that Logan could have easily thrown the picture away.  Or what if he did throw the picture away? Does that mean he would have never met the woman of his dreams? It is so weird how little events can change a persons life.  I guess people have to believe everything happens for a reason.