Thursday, September 1, 2011

One More Happy Ending

As I begin to finish reading, The Lucky One, I am starting to wonder how this book is going to end.  There has to be some kind of ending I am not expecting.  So far it seems as though Logan and Beth are getting along just fine.  Logan has even got along with Elizabeth's family which includes Ben and her Nana.  In fact, Logan is performing at Elizabeth's church as a favor to Nana.  He is playing the piano.  The book even stated both Beth and Logan would be devastated if they decided to go their separate ways.  They seems almost inseparable and they both are in each others lives more than anyone has before.  The only thing I think might happen in the end is something will happen to Logan through Keith, Beth's ex husband.  I think this because Keith has broke into Logan's house previously for unknown reasoning.  Both Keith and Beth could get back together in the end and break Logan's heart.  I only have less than 50 pages left so hopefully I can finish this weekend.  This book has made me think of some things that I have not before.  Like, "love at first sight." Logan for some weird reason found a picture randomly in the sand and he was determined to find this girl for whatever it took.  And now they are in love and hopefully continue to get to know each other.  It is so weird that Logan could have easily thrown the picture away.  Or what if he did throw the picture away? Does that mean he would have never met the woman of his dreams? It is so weird how little events can change a persons life.  I guess people have to believe everything happens for a reason.

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