Thursday, September 15, 2011

Surviving the Extremes !

As a book on the side this week I have chosen to read, Surviving the Extremes by Kenneth Kamler.  Kenneth Kamler is a doctor who sets on adventures with other specialized doctors who together, conquer challenging surviving environments.  There are obstacles along the way that I can never imagine ever getting past and these doctors someone know what to do in these fatal conditions.  It always surprises me how all these people drop their lives at home just to "Survive the Extremes."  For example, the Amazon Forest where the most plants and animals live in anywhere else in the world.  They also have found other people living in these conditions without medical care.  Thankfully, these medics are there just in time to help this fatal patients.  From what I understand so far, they will also set out at seas, somewhere of high altitude, which I believe is Mt. Everest, Outer Space, and somewhere underwater.  All these things can be fatal to people.  This book is a little more challenging and reads much slower than I am used to.  So I have to still have to find another book to begin next week that reads a little faster.  So far, Surviving the Extremes, is interesting but if I does not pick up soon, I think I will have to drop it for another book to read.  Oh, and I also decided my book project is going to be about the book I just finished, Heaven Is Real.  I am almost positive I am going to make a movie, or at least attempt to.  That book was just so interesting that I could not put it down!

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