Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My Sisters Keeper

My Sister's Keeper is a story and movie that I have heard many people talk about and go see the movie to recently in the past couple years.  I decided, it was my turn to read this heart pulling story.  Before I started to read this book, I knew it was about two sisters; one who has leukemia, and the other who saves her sister through medical treatments.  I also heard there is no way of reading or watching this whole story without crying, so I am going to be careful of where I read this.  So far, different characters narrarate their view of their lives in each chapter.  Anna, a thirteen year old girl, turns out to be the sister who was "created to save her sisters life."  Whenever her sister, Kate, became sick or in poor medical conditions, Anna would help donate any blood or bone marrow the doctors needed.  Anna's family is not the type of family has the most responsible family.  Her mother always shops online even with all the expensive medical bills of Kate.  And on the side of that, Anna's brother, Jesse, acts like an out of control and immature little boy without the control of parents.  This of course frustrates Anna just as it would frustrate me.  Without warning, she hires a lawyer named Campbell.  This is the name of my old biology teacher freshman year who I did not like, so I don't think I will like him either. But I am probably judging too soon.  I guess I will find out soon!(: 

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